Emotional healing involves becoming aware of hidden emotion, feeling our emotional truth, releasing energy
and moving on with life. Emotions affect everything we do. Your body tells you how its feeling about life and
what's going on through waves of emotional energy.
If we disconnect from our emotions then emotions will not affect us which is a wrong conception of everyone
in this world. Emotions that get pushed down are stored in your energy system. That emotions has not gone
anywhere it is just temporarily hidden. Hidden emotions create a heavy weight on our systems. They stay in
our systems waiting to be expressed in some way.
Hiding our emotions for most of us leads to withdrawal and silence. We all carry millions of just numbers,
facts, beliefs and memories in our head. The only thing that makes most of them important is the emotions
that go along with them. Hidden grief is only one of the emotions that have huge impact. Hidden anger,
fear and shame may be even more important in leading to silence.
As Emotional constipation blocks the flow of life-force energies in our system, it can lead to all kinds of
problems from low energy and mild depression, to serious conditions and diseases like cancer. The emotional
system needs to have regular movements and release or it will also back up or toxify.
In order to deny certain emotions you have to disconnect from parts of yourself. When you disconnect
from your emotional truth, you also disconnect from your internal compass. Because of which you make
choices that are not healthy for you.
By listening to our body we can discover our hidden emotions. The body is all the time in listening mode.
It listens or feels whatever emotions and states of mind you are having as your body is connected to your
thoughts and emotions. A positive and negative emotion has its effects which run throughtout the body.
If you are passing through a rough emotional patch, the body is listening to whatever is happening.
Hidden emotions unacknowledged run the show.
Posted By SAVIC Technologies to SAVIC on 1/17/2018 03:15:00 am
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